Last modified on July 9, 2024

ERTRAC Road Transport Vision 2050

9 July 2024

ERTRAC’s new Road Transport Vision 2050, updated thanks to the STREnGth_M project, aims to address challenges such as climate change, pollution, demographic change, limited resources and global competition.

The document includes five sub-visions addressing important societal objectives such as environmental sustainability, efficiency, and resilience:

  • “All people and goods can reach their destinations in a way that is healthy, safe, affordable, reliable and comfortable all across Europe”
  • “Climate-neutral, zero pollution road transport satisfying circular economy and resource efficiency needs”
  • “Infrastructure and traffic management provide highly efficient road network services at competitive cost with minimized congestion, regardless of actual conditions and disturbances”
  • “Safe and secure mobility for all road users at any time”
  • “Europe’s road transport research and industry as the world leader in innovation, services and production”

The document also outlines the technological, regulatory, and organizational enablers which need to be in place by 2050 to realise the vision.