Last modified on July 23, 2024
Status of progress on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility in Europe
This Commission staff working document (SWD) builds on the 2018 Commission Communication On the road to automated mobility: An EU strategy for mobility of the future (1), which provided research, policy and regulatory recommendations at EU level for the development and deployment of connected, cooperative and automated mobility (CCAM). This SWD offers a state of play of CCAM in Europe by taking stock of progress made at operational, technological, societal and economic level since 2018. It also describes 10 main European achievements in this area to date. This document does not present any recommendations for future developments in this area, thus pre-empting the next framework programme for research and innovation and, therefore, does not commit the Commission in relation to potential forthcoming initiatives or decisions on the successor to the current research and innovation framework programme, Horizon Europe.