Conference Programme 2019
08:00 - 09:00 |
Registration & exhibition openingInformation on the exhibition can be found here. |
09:00 - 09:20 |
Opening (GASPERI)
Webstreaming available here. |
09:20 - 10:15 |
Opening panel discussion (GASPERI)
The European Commission has developed a comprehensive approach towards connected and automated mobility that sets out a clear, forward-looking and ambitious European agenda and identifies supporting actions for developing and deploying key technologies, services and infrastructure.
The Opening Panel will take stock of the different actions of the European agenda and will discuss how to make Europe a world leader in bringing connected and automated mobility to the roads. In order to be competitive, Europe needs to be cooperative. Main hurdles to take and challenges to address will be examined and different policy options for national and local authorities to support connected and automated mobility will be discussed.
Webstreaming available here. |
10:15 - 10:45 | Break |
10:45 - 11:40 |
Strategic Session PL 1– How will Europe facilitate and accelerate connected and automated driving through Research & Innovation? (GASPERI)
There is still a multitude of challenges in terms of research and innovation to address before automated driving will be widely available on the market for use in many different environments and conditions. These challenges include the development of technologies at vehicle, infrastructure, data communication and decision-making levels, as well as the validation of these technologies and the real-world testing. Also, the interaction of drivers, passengers and other road users with automated vehicles has to be understood and addressed in the engineering process. Moreover, the user needs as well as the opportunities and impacts for the transport system need to be explored and proper business and operational models need to be derived, e.g. in the shared mobility domain. In 2018, the European Commission has taken the initiative to edit jointly with the EU Member States and stakeholders from industry and academia a R&I roadmap on connected and automated road transport.
The Plenary Session will discuss the main future R&I priorities on the way to facilitate and accelerate the deployment of connected and automated driving systems on our roads. This Session will also examine ways to set priorities for public and private R&I investments in the future.
Webstreaming available here. |
11:40 - 13:00 | Lunch |
13:00 - 14:30 |
14:40 – 16:10 |
16:10 - 16:35 | Break |
16:35 - 17:40 |
Strategic Session PL 2 - Ensuring safe market uptake (GASPERI)It is expected that automated driving systems will enter the market in the coming years. But before we can see these systems on our roads, the problem of safety assurance of automated vehicles must be solved. How safe do these systems have to be? How safe is safe enough? How can we prove that the new automated driving functions are really safe and reliable? This Plenary Session will discuss how safety should be measured in the context of automated vehicles, which level of safety should be aimed at and how to show that this safety level can be met. The session will also focus on ways to regulate safety and traffic rules for automated vehicles. Adaptive regulations should be developed that are designed from the outset, in order to evolve with the technology. In that way, society can better harness the benefits and manage the risks of these rapidly evolving and potentially transformative technologies. Moreover, there is still a need to define, inter alia, how these regulations should be applied and what the implications of different regulations could be.
Webstreaming available here. |
Change of venueAUTOWORLD Museum |
17:30 - 18:30 | Start of the demonstrations |
18:30 - 21:30 |
Social networking (AUTOWORLD Museum)The Social Networking Event will provide an opportunity to network, visit the museum, as well as the demonstrations and exhibits on connected an automated driving, while enjoying complimentary drinks. More information on exhibitions & demonstrations is available here. |
08:30 - 09:00 | Registration & exhibition opening |
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening (GASPERI)
Wim van de Camp, Member of the European Parliament
Webstreaming available here. |
09:15 - 10:00 |
Strategic Session PL3 - International cooperation (GASPERI)Getting CAD to the road is a global challenge. Even though there may be cultural, legal or technological differences between regions, it makes sense to cooperate to strive towards seamless and harmonized cross border Connected and Automated Mobility. Global standards, joint approaches, multi-stakeholder cooperation and exchanging knowledge, experience and best practices can contribute to this. The objective of this Plenary Session is to present policies and actions of different regions of the world to support the development and deployment of connected and automated driving systems and to discuss main benefits and future priorities for International Cooperation in the area of connected and automated driving.
Webstreaming available here. |
10:00 - 11:00 |
Strategic Session PL4 - Secure connectivity and data flow (GASPERI)As the level of vehicle connectivity increases, large amounts of data, which are considered personal, are being/would be collected, processed and exchanged between the vehicle and the rest of the CAM ecosystem entities making cybersecurity very important. Since a part of this data is considered as personal, it is essential to put in place safeguards regarding data privacy and the rights of the data subjects. Increased connectivity also increases the vulnerability to a cyberattack. Cybersecurity schemes are necessary to guarantee a secure data exchange based on confidentiality, integrity and availability of the required data and communication systems. This Plenary Session aims at getting support for the Commission’s initiative on the cybersecurity research and innovation, raising awareness on various challenges in economy and society posed by future connectivity systems and future threats in the era of 'Internet of Things' and Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Who should be in charge of securing data flow and communication devices? What role do consumers, vendors, regulators, carriers, security providers each play?
Webstreaming available here. |
11:00 - 11:30 | Break |
11:30 – 13:00 |
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 - 14:45 |
The Single Platform for Open Road Testing and Pre-Deployment of Cooperative, Connected, Automated and Autonomous Mobility (GASPERI)
Webstreaming available here. |
14:45 – 15:30 |
Feedback from breakout sessions (GASPERI)Webstreaming available here. |
15:30 – 15:55 | Break |
15:55 - 16:50 |
Strategic Session PL5 - Public acceptance & adoption (GASPERI)
Potential benefits of CAD to society are immense and automated vehicles technologies are likely to help solve problems but could also create new ones, which could hinder the public acceptance and deployment of these technologies. New risks such as cyber-security threats, overreliance on, and misuse of technology should be examined and ethical issues related to transferring the responsibility of driving to vehicles must be addressed. How can the public and policy makers be educated in such a way that expectations are realistically managed?
This Plenary Session will touch upon ethical questions related to CAD and ways to gain societal and user acceptance of CAD systems. Moreover, economics and workforce, and equity issues will be discussed as well as potential long-term impacts of automated mobility on land use and urban development.
Webstreaming available here. |
16:50 - 17:00 |
Closing (GASPERI)
Clara de la Torre, Director for Transport, Directorate General for Research and Innovation (RTD), European Commission