Last modified on July 12, 2024

BASt technical report on “Research Needs in Teleoperation”
In the near future, it will be possible to drive Level 4 or Level 5 vehicles from a remote position, or to provide information to such a vehicle from a remote position, which is known as teleoperation.
Teleoperation as a new form of vehicle control is attracting increasing attention for use in public road traffic. The remote provision of information, or remote driving of vehicles raises questions with regard to the design and implementation of vehicles and control centres as well as with regard to society and user groups. With the aim to achieve teleoperation in an operative holistic system, the Federal Highway Research Institute Germany (BASt) has highlighted in a technical report the need for research in the field of teleoperation on the basis of identified research gaps and requirements.
The report formulates specific research questions relevant to remote assistance and remote driving use cases in five focus areas or clusters:
- Vehicle, area of operation and functional safety
- Workstation, ergonomics and occupational health and safety
- Communication technology
- Fitness to drive, competence and personnel requirements
- Societal aspects, acceptance and road safety
Additional interdisciplinary research questions are formulated considering cross-cluster connections, dependencies, stabilising and destabilising factors for the system as a whole.
The report was namely discussed during the recent TRA 2024 Conference and EUCAD 2024 Symposium in Dublin.
The report is now also available in English and can be accessed here.
Source: The original article was published here.