Last modified on March 12, 2024

Standardisation Bodies

Modern infrastructure will increasingly incorporate new components which increase the robustness of the system. The future of CAD is bright and offers the long-term promise of mobility that improves safety and transport operations while lowering the environmental impact. Therefore, at this point, we have to see a more standardised and active automated ecosystem. Providing a common interface to improve the economy of scale to reduce cost, which improves the integration of advanced functions in CAD. At global and European level, different standards developing organizations exist with the intend to inform wider industry thinking and accelerate the successful introduction of exciting pioneering technology.

Name Description Link
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials view details
ANSI American National Standards Institute view details
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials view details
ASAM Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring systems view details
BSI British Standards Institution view details
CEN European committee for standardisation view details
CENELEC European committee for Electrotechnical standardisation view details
CEPT-ECC Electronic communications committe view details
DIN Deutsche Institut für Normung e.V view details
DKE Deutsches Kommission Electrotechnik view details
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute view details
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission view details
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers view details
ISO International Organization for Standardisation view details
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force view details
ITU International Telecommunications Union view details
JISC Japanese Industrial Standards Committee view details
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association view details
NISO National Information Standards Organisation view details
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers view details

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

SAE Level of automation

SAE International recently unveiled a new visual chart designed to clarify and simplify its J3016 “Levels of Driving Automation” standard for consumers. The J3016 standard defines six levels of driving automation, from SAE Level Zero (no automation) to SAE Level 5 (full vehicle autonomy). It serves as the industry’s most-cited reference for automated-vehicle (AV) capabilities.

J3016 provides and defines the six levels of driving automation, from no automation to full automation. Consistent with industry practices, the standard helps to eliminate confusion by providing clarity.

The new revisions, while substantial, preserve the original SAE J3016 level names, numbers, and functional distinctions, as well as the supporting terms. However, the new, revised version:

  • Clarifies and rationalizes taxonomical differentiators for lower levels (levels 0-2)
  • Clarifies the scope of the J3016 driving automation taxonomy (i.e., explains to what it does and does not apply)
  • Modifies existing, and adds new, supporting terms and definitions
  • Adds more rationale, examples, and explanatory text throughout

Automated Vehicle Safety Consortium™ (AVSC)

This is an industry program of SAE Industry Technologies Consortia® (SAE ITC) focus on advancing standards for automated driving vehicles. In particular, the consortium will concentrated the effort on develop safe and reliable vehicle at SAE level 4 and 5.

International Organization for Standardisation (ISO)

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organisation with a membership of 164 national standards bodies.

The objective of the experts that participate in the different working groups is to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

The ISO/TC 204 technical committee is taking care of the standardisation of information, communication and control systems in the field of urban and rural surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects thereof, traveller information, traffic management, public transport, commercial transport, emergency services and commercial services in the intelligent transport systems (ITS) field.

ISO/TC 22 develops standards of all aspects for all types of road vehicles and their interfaces approved for operation on public roads for the whole life cycle concerning safety, security, sustainability, compatibility, interchangeability, maintenance, evaluation of performance and quality.  ISO/TC 22 consists of 11 subcommitees and also includes the automated driving coordination group (ADCG):

ISO/TC 22/SC 31Data communication
ISO/TC 22/SC 32Electrical and electronic components and general system aspects
ISO/TC 22/SC 33Vehicle dynamics, chassis components and driving automation systems testing
ISO/TC 22/SC 34Propulsion, powertrain and powertrain fluids
ISO/TC 22/SC 35Lighting and visibility
ISO/TC 22/SC 36Safety and impact testing
ISO/TC 22/SC 37Electrically propelled vehicles
ISO/TC 22/SC 38Motorcycles and mopeds
ISO/TC 22/SC 39Ergonomics
ISO/TC 22/SC 40Specific aspects for light and heavy commercial vehicles, busses and trailers
ISO/TC 22/SC 41Specific aspects for gaseous fuels

There  are several work items  in  development  for  a  number  of  ADAS and AD features that have relevance for high automation. For more information on specific ISO  standards  related to automated vehicles please check the standards list’s page.

British Standards Institution (BSI)

The British Standards Institution (BSI) is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI has written several fundamental principles of automotive cybersecurity in order to help all parties involved in the vehicle lifecycle and ecosystem understand better how to improve and maintain vehicle security and the security of associated intelligent transport systems (ITS).

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