Last modified on October 7, 2024

Data Sharing

This section of the knowledge database cover topics related to data sharing. Most notably, the CCAM Data Sharing Framework 2.02 was published in Feb 2024, available in a reader friendly format in the knowledge base (but also as a pdf), The framework covers key aspects of data management, including detailed data and metadata descriptions, data-protection guidelines, data governance, legal documents related to data sharing, insights on personal data and intellectual property rights training, and outlines of support and research services and financial  considerations.

The CCAM Data Sharing Framework v2 has had significant updates since v1 (2016) and v1.1 (2019), and the topic of “Federated Data Sharing“, inline with the FAME objective of creating a CCAM data space for test data, has been added.

Also in this section of the KB, a data catalogue is available, comprising relevant CCAM data sources (and more data sources to be added).

“Topics in data sharing” include a selection of articles on data sharing (2018-2022).  The articles cover topics like anonymization, deep fakes, the L3 Pilot common data format, a data catalogue on AD datasets, and relevant data market places.

The CCAM Data Sharing comprise of lessons learned over more than a decade. But the rapid technical development and new legal frameworks have an impact on the content. We encourage anyone to provide input on the content, all from minor updates to new concepts and ideas. Also, the lessons learned from the ongoing development of the CCAM Test Data Space, will be used as input to a minor review of the framework by mid 2025. Please use the contact form to reach out and exchange information!

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