Last modified on September 25, 2024

How to leverage and monetize CCAM data
“Monetizing Car Data: a data monetization ecosystem, enabling stakeholders to more effectively and profitably leverage CCAM data.”, the white paper published by the 5GMETA project, describes how to explore opportunities offered by the connected, cooperative, and automated mobility (CCAM) market and its great potential in data-driven business models supported by big data analytics.
The white paper describes the 5GMETA platform, which integrates the necessary tools to collect, curate, share, and monetize CCAM data. The platform fosters a data monetization ecosystem, enabling various stakeholders across the data value chain to more effectively and profitably leverage CCAM data. The paper explores the data monetization framework identified in the project and associated business models. Additionally, it explains how to use the platform and the extensions required for the current business-to-business (B2B) platform. Finally, it highlights the lessons learned from the project, offering practical recommendations to increase the chances of success of a CCAM data monetization ecosystem.
Download the white paper here.
Source: The original article was published here.