Last modified on October 18, 2024

SINFONICA: Two Years of Progress Towards Inclusive and Efficient CCAM Solutions

SINFONICA: Two Years of Progress Towards Inclusive and Efficient CCAM Solutions

18 October 2024

The EC-funded project SINFONICA aims to engage a diverse range of CCAM stakeholders, including citizens (with special attention to vulnerable groups), transport operators, public administrations, service providers, and technology suppliers, to understand their needs, desires, and concerns, and ensure that rolled-out CCAM solutions are accessible, equitable and socially inclusive.

Two years into the project, SINFONICA has engaged with more than 5.000 people across Europe, particularly focusing on four key municipalities involved in the project: Noord Brabant (Netherlands), West Midlands (UK), Hamburg (Germany), and Trikala (Greece). These discussions have shed light on the current perceptions of CCAM and the specific requirements of different regions and demographic groups.

The project has conducted several detailed analyses (all available for download on the SINFONICA website), offering insights into the needs of European citizens and CCAM stakeholders, namely:

  • D1.1 – Mobility Needs and Requirements of European Citizens
  • D1.2 – CCAM Vocabulary and Stakeholders’ Needs for CCAM Solutions
  • D1.3 – Understanding the Gap in CCAM Solutions Deployment
  • D5.1 – Equity Practices and Social Indicators

Upcoming results in the final year of the project include:

  • Policy recommendations to shape the future of CCAM.
  • A Tool for Scaling Impacts of CCAM solutions on mobility systems offering tailored insights for different local contexts.
  • The SINFONICA Knowledge Map Explorer to access the vast knowledge base built by the project and help users — whether city planners, transport operators, or citizens — navigate CCAM solutions and receive tailored guidelines that fit their specific needs.

Source: The original article was published here