Last modified on November 5, 2024

Transition of control in automated vehicles: Overview of solutions and acceptance by industry
According to research by SWOV, the Dutch Institute for Scientific Research on Road Safety, there is a gap between scientific knowledge about the human factors involved when a driver must take back control of an automated vehicle and how those factors should be translated into the design of vehicle systems.
As part of a study commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, SWOV has researched the safety of automated driving systems (ADS) in vehicles, specifically looking at the Transition of Control (TOC) from the vehicle to the driver, which is critical for road safety.
The purpose of the study is to see how ideas on and developments in TOC, including TOC solutions, in research relate to relevant thoughts and solutions in the industry, namely with regards to human factors and their integration in vehicle systems design principles.
Source: The original article was published here