Last modified on October 31, 2024

Insights into CCAM mobility needs – first results from SINFONICA survey

Insights into CCAM mobility needs – first results from SINFONICA survey

31 October 2024

The EU project SINFONICA focuses on inclusivity and public acceptance through understanding of user needs and factors influencing their future use of Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM). This data highlights the barriers to adoption and helps identify who might be excluded from CCAM solutions and why, allowing to tailor future services to reduce exclusion and improve accessibility.

The project online survey was completed by 4,472 participants, distributed across several countries1. Participants were asked their preferences, as a public transport passenger, around 15 aspects of CCAM services related to availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability.

The responses enable to understand better how different populations perceive and prioritise features of CCAM in public transport. Further analysis of the data will focus on people facing mobility challenges, namely people living in rural areas, digitally non-connected, people with physical or cognitive mobility impairments, or people with low income. CCAM services have the potential to improve their mobility options if designed thoughtfully. The targeted analyses will provide valuable insights to ensure that future CCAM systems developed and deployed are truly inclusive and accessible for all.

Source: The original article was published here

1 Germany (n=2,227), Netherlands (n=620), United Kingdom (n=520), Italy (n=517), Greece (n=504), Belgium (n=19), Spain (n=9) and Sweden (n=5)