Last modified more than a year ago
Joint workshop of ARCADE CAD Stakeholder Network and ERTRAC Working Group on “Connectivity and Automated Driving”
On 5-6 February 2019, the Joint Stakeholder Workshop consisting of the ARCADE CAD Network & ERTRAC Working Group was held in Brussels. Titled “Connectivity and Automated Driving”, this workshop was held in preparation of the ERTRAC Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) roadmap. The roadmap was presented at the annual ERTRAC conference held in Brussels on 4 April.
The goal of the workshop was to receive feedback on the initial findings & scenarios on the thematic areas created since ARCADE took over CARTRE. The scenarios involved three focused categories (passenger car, freight vehicles & urban mobility vehicles). The feedback provided was used to refine and consolidated the drafted scenarios into a roadmap. The roadmap, which will be continuously updated throughout the course of the project, was then used as input to the new ERTRAC roadmap released on Automated Driving.
Click below to download the final Agenda & speaker presentations:
Joint Stakeholder Workshop, Welcome – Stéphane Dreher, ERTICO – ITS Europe (ARCADE Coordinator).
Presentation of Agenda & workshop objectives – Mats Rosenquist, VOLVO.
Specific focus of the updated Roadmap on Infrastructure & Connectivity sections – Manfred Harrer, ASFINAG.
ARCADE Roadmap outline & introduction to use case parallels – Mats Rosenquist, VOLVO.
Introduction & ARCADE Thematic Areas: Technology, System & Services & Society – Carmen Rodarius, TNO; Armin Gräter, BMW; Guido Di Pasquale, UITP; Yvonne Barnard, University of Leeds.
Introduction to Scenario System & Service-related Thematic Areas – Guido Di Pascale, UITP.
Introduction to Society-related Thematic Areas – Yvonne Barnard, University of Leeds
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