Last modified more than a year ago

ARCADE Knowledge Base at high level meeting on connected and automated driving
On 7 October, the importance of the ARCADE Knowledge Base was discussed at the High Level Meeting on CAD (Connected Automated Driving), organised by the Finnish Ministry of Transport and communications. During the meeting, there was an emphasis on the importance of the ARCADE Knowledge Base as a significant means of exchanging knowledge and best practices on Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM).
These meetings are a series of follow-up meetings to the Declaration of Amsterdam which was adopted during the Dutch Presidency of the EU in spring 2016. The Declaration includes a commitment from the European Commission, Members States, industry and other CAD Stakeholders to work together for a coordinated effort regarding connected and automated vehicles in Europe. The European Commisson already acknowledged the role of the KB in fulfilling the promises of the Declaration of Amsterdam. The KB has now been added to the conclusions from the High Level Meeting with a commitment from Member Staters to support the database in its role providing up-to-date information on CCAM. In fact, the Knowledge Base helps in understanding the impacts of CAV on safety, the environment, inclusiveness as well as the needs of citizens and their expectations.
To visit the Knowledge Base please find the link here.
To read the full article, please click here.