Last modified more than a year ago

CCAM & the European Mobility Week
Today marks the beginning of this year’s European Mobility Week with theme: “Safe and healthy with sustainable mobility”. CCAM Partnership, co-programmed with the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Programme, is bringing together the stakeholders on public and private side to ensure safe and sustainable road transport through automation.
By exploiting the full systemic benefits of new mobility solutions enabled by CCAM technologies, the Partnership will contribute positively to mobility as a whole:
- a more user-centred, all-inclusive mobility;
- increasing safety on the roads;
- reducing environmental impacts such as reducing CO2 emissions.
Get to know CCAM Association in their newest video where the three Chairmen, Armin Gräter, Serge van Dam and Eckard Steiger – and CCAM Head of Office, Marzena Jougounoux, explain the mission, vision and aims of the Partnership.