Last modified more than a year ago

Eight European associations and projects commit to the TransCortinuum Initiative
The TransContinuum is the unison of related digital technologies which offers solutions for the operation of complex data workflow systems.
The TCI Initiative is developing a vision of characteristics of the infrastructure required for the convergence of data and compute capabilities in many leading edge industrial and scientific use scenarios. A paradigm change is needed: designing systems ecompassing millions of comput devices distributed over scientific instruments, loT, supercomputers and Cloud systems through LAN, WLAN and 5G networks.
The ambition of TCI is to become a meeting place of experts representing various disciplines in both science and industry. The initiative will focus on collaboration towards five objectives:
1. Elaborate joint recommendations for R&D to be carried out in EU- or JU-funded work programmes addressing challenges in the digital continuum.
2. Engage with EU Research & Innovation funding entities to promote our recommendations.
3. Generate and foster an interdisciplinary network of experts in science and industry.
4. Contribute to Strategic Research [and Innovation] Agendas or any other road mapping documents issued by participating partners, specifically on interdisciplinary technical aspects, with a view to extend the concept of co-design to cover the entire continuum.
5. Contribute to the 5 Horizon Europe missions (adaptation to climate change including societal transformation, cancer, healthy oceans, seas coastal and inland waters, climate-neutral and smart cities, soil health and food.) One of the first pragmatic actions will be to design the contribution of the Digital Twin enabler to the Horizon Europe missions.
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