Last modified more than a year ago

12th ITS European Congress
19 Jun 2017 - 22 Jun 2017
Strasbourg, France
In 2017, the ITS European Congress will take place in Strasbourg at the newly renovated Strasbourg Convention and Exhibition Centre. With the theme “ITS Beyond Borders” the 12th ITS European Congress will develop its programme around seven main topics including mobility services, ITS for freight and logistics, ITS and the environment, network operation, satellite technology applied to mobility and certainly connected and automated transport. As one of the few European cities providing an environment where cross-border issues and challenges such as technology compatibility and interoperability or legislation evolution and application, Strasbourg is at the intersection of multiple transport and communication networks making the city a wonderful living lab for mobility.
CAD Project CARTRE will organise two special interest sessions during the ITS European Congress.
On Tuesday, 20th June (16:00 – 17:30), CARTRE will present together with ERTRAC its Roadmap on the coordination of Automated Driving R&D in Europe. In order to overcome fragmentation, Europe needs one reference document and one clear roadmap for the development of Automated Driving. The ERTRAC Roadmap, developed with the support of the European project CARTRE, provides a status of the current initiatives in Europe, by the European Union and by national authorities. Its overall objective is to identify the challenges for implementation of higher levels of automation in Road Transport, and to promote cross-industry collaboration and international coordination. Speakers will come from BMW (Germany), FTA (Finland), Bosch (Germany), Volvo (Belgium) and the European Commission.
On Wednesday, 21 June (14:00 – 15:30), CARTRE’s Thematic Discussion Group on Digital Infrastructure and the Trilateral Automation in Road Transportation WG between US, Japan and Europe will contribute to a discussion on digital infrastructure and automated vehicles. Digital Infrastructure indicates the static and dynamic digital representation of the physical world with which the automated vehicle will interact
to operate. It is essential to support the deployment of highly automated vehicles. In this Special Interest Session, the discussion will be focused on implementation aspects and technological issues, including the presentation of several use cases. Speakers will come from MAP Traffic Management (The Netherlands), HERE (Belgium), BMW (Germany), and DRM Association (Japan).
During the Congress, the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and ERTICO – ITS Europe will host the second edition of the Mayors’ Summit. City mayors and leaders from Europe will gather again to explore opportunities, experiences and strategies related to present and future contributions of ITS supporting policies for modal shift for people and goods in cities.