Last modified on May 15, 2024

2nd Summer School on 5G Connected Automated Mobility across Europe

2nd Summer School on 5G Connected Automated Mobility across Europe

20 Jun 2024 - 21 Jun 2024

Paris-Saclay Campus, France

Three major European projects, 5G-ROUTES and 5GMediaHUB (EC co-funding) and 5GOpenRoad (BPI co-funding), are co-organizing the 2nd PhD School on challenges and technologies for 5G Connected Automated Mobility and 5G-empowered media applications across Europe, where the latest technologies and the most recent innovations related to CAM and media applications of 5G will be presented.

The School is a unique opportunity for young researchers (PhD students) and undergrad students (Master students) to get insights on diverse challenges of 5G for CAM in cross-border scenarios (terrestrial and maritime) and on 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps from senior researchers with an academic or industrial background.

We encourage participants to submit an extended abstract about topics related with 5G Connected Automated Mobility and 5G-empowered media applications. Accepted extended abstracts will be presented as posters.
The call for extended abstracts and posters can be found here.

Participation in the School is free of charge (excluding travel and accommodation). However, for logistics purposes, participants must register by sending an email to: – in the email, kindly provide your first name, last name, level (Master’s student, PhD student), and affiliation).