Last modified more than a year ago

3rd Stakeholder workshop of the joint CAD network
13 Feb 2020 - 13 Feb 2020
ERTICO - ITS Europe, Brussels
Joint workshop of ARCADE CAD Stakeholder Network and ERTRAC Working Group on “Connectivity and Automated Driving”
Venue: ERTICO – ITS Europe office, 326 Louisa Avenue, Brussels
We would like to invite you to our next Stakeholder workshop of ARCADE Joint Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) Network and ERTRAC Working Group on “Connectivity and Automated Driving”, which will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 13 February 2020.
After our events in February and April 2019, in which we have been working together with stakeholders and experts from the Joint CAD Network on benefits, challenges and bottlenecks of automated driving: what is the road ahead?
In its consolidated roadmap, ARCADE has defined a number of actions for the different thematic areas (together with application specific priorities) at technical, systems & services and societal levels. For this third workshop, we propose to adopt an action-oriented approach and further explore these key priorities identified in interactive working sessions.
The workshop is targeted (though not limited to) stakeholders from industry, scientific research, policy makers, public and road authorities, user associations and others with an interest in Connected and Automated Driving.
Registration for the event is closed. Please contact event organisers via e-mail: in case you would like to participate in the workshop.
10:00 Welcome, introduction and workshop goals
- Short introduction about ARCADE
- Overview of CAD consolidated Roadmap (2019 release)
- Presentation of CAD Knowledge Base
11:00 Presentation of first year results and outlook on 2020 work
- Consolidated results from technology, systems & services and society Thematic Areas and plans for the second release of their roadmap
11:45 Coffee, walk around posters and feedback
- Roadmap (2019 release) per technology, systems & services and society Thematic Areas
12:35 Lunch
13:35 Action based approach
- Introduction of the process
- Presentation of selected actions
13:50 Break out per action – poster session
- 4 groups
- Two rounds of feedback
15:10 Coffee break
15:35 Wrap up
- Results from break outs
- Outlook to next steps
16:30 Closure