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5G PPP Webinar: 5G for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)
06 Nov 2020 - 06 Nov 2020
The 5G PPP webinar ‘5G for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)’ will be held on November 6, 2020.
This webinar has two parts:
The first part will show the ongoing CCAM work and the white paper produces by the thre H2020-ICT-18-2018 5G PPP corridor projects:
55CroCo, 5G-CARMEN and 5G-MoBiX:
The CCAM white paper introduces the scope, use cases, trial sites and particularities of each of the three H2020-ICT-18-2018 5G PPP corridor projects: 5GCroCo, 5G-CARMEN and 5G-MoBiX. These projects address technical, organizational, business and administrative challenges that the provision of CCAM functionality over 5G connectivity poses in highway and national border (corridors) environments. The projects are performing 5G-enabled Autonomous Driving AD trials at national border conditions and are drawing insights regarding the challenges and opportunities of provisioning 5G-enabled CCAM services in cross-border conditions. This white paper, a joint effort by the three projects, presents their preliminary results, based on currently available technological enablers, with the capacity to mitigate and/or resolve the above mentioned challenges. It also identifies and elaborates on the main concerns and challenges arising from deploying advanced CCAM use cases at regional borders.
The second part will introduce the new CAM related Projects under the 5G-PPP ICT-53-2020 call:
5GBlueprint, 5GMED, 5G-ROUTES (and possibly 5GRAIL):
The challenge for the ICT-53 projects is to qualify and characterise the latest version of 5G specifications as available from 3G PP release 16 early 2020 (5G NR-V2X and beyond) in the context of advanced use cases deployment in Europe of CAM that may also benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions. It targets use cases beyond C-ITS safety applications in view of enabling use cases in the context of complete connectivity-enabled ecosystems around cars and vehicles. It supports the realisation of the strategic objective of having all major transport paths covered with 5G connectivity by 2025 through cross-border trials along major transport paths planned for CAM deployment (“5G corridors”) and paves the way towards operational deployment as envisaged with the Connecting Europe Facility proposal. The work is also relevant to cross border railway corridors in view of providing services to trains, including in the context of the planned Future Railways Mobile Communication Systems (FRMCS) planned to replace GSM-R around 2030.