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6th IEEE International Workshop on Smart & Sustainable Mobility & Logistics in Smart Cities (SSMLS 2023)
26 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2023
Turin, Italy
The workshop, hosted by COMPSAC 2023, is co-organized by CARS@polito, the interdepartmental center of Politecnico di Torino on Automotive and Mobility, and ICELab@polito, the research center on Smart Cities and Smart logistics.
Workshop theme:
Urban mobility is one of the toughest challenges we all face today, as existing mobility systems are not smart and sustainable enough to cope with the increasing demand. These issues are true for both passenger and freight mobility. In addition, mobility needs are evolving. Changing travel habits, demand for services to increase convenience, speed and predictability, mobility-as-a-service and e-freight are emerging as new mobility paradigms. Planning and decision-making are evolving toward a more evidence-based approach, as well as evolving customer expectations toward individualization and sustainability will require mobility service innovation as well as business model transformation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Cooperative intelligent transportation systems
- Road transport automation
- Electric mobility
- Maps and travel planning
- Mobility modeling
- Behaviour change approaches
- Travel demand estimation and modeling
- Evidence-based planning and decision-making
- Big Data and analytics in transport
- New Business models in mobility and logistics
- Blockchain and trusted network for mobility and logistics
- AI/ML systems for sustainable operations
Paper submission
To submit the paper, please register your paper here (select the track
track chair Workshop] SSMLS 2023: Smart and Sustainable Mobility and Logistics in Smart Cities. Workshop papers can be up to 6 to 8 pages in length (guidelines and template). Accepted papers will be submitted for indexing to IEEE Xplore. Deadline: 7 April 2023