Last modified more than a year ago

Assessment of automation-ready road infrastructure and safety inspections Webinar
24 Apr 2020 - 24 Apr 2020
The many unanswered questions related to the introduction of automated vehicles imply a need for a detailed way of assessment regarding the impact of potential future scenario, with regard to the penetration rate and different types of automated vehicles, and also considering the the travel demands and behavioural changes of road users.
CoExist project developed methods and tools to assess the impact of automated vehicles on traffic performance, space efficiency and safety.
Road safety is one of the main objectives of road vehicle automation. To understand better, CoExist has extended its research and followed an innovative approach based on road safety audits or inspections, through which the road characteristics are assessed against potential threats and suggested solutions.
To answer the questions like how can the tools and methodologies be applied to evaluate the impacts of cooperative, connected and automated mobility and urban road infrastructure, and what are the conclusions and lesson from implementation in CoEXist’s use cases, CoEXist has organised a webinar on assessment of automation ready road infrastructure and safety inspections in cooperation with CIVITAS SATELLITE project.
The webinar is on 24 April 2020, 13:00 – 14:00 CET.
To register click here.