Last modified more than a year ago

C-MobILE Training Phase II – Webinar
06 May 2020 - 06 May 2020
The C-MobILE Project will hold a free webinar to share and discuss how Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems can provide mobility solutions to cities, traffic managers and road operators.
The training session is part of the C-MobILE project, which is aimed to raise awareness and increase knowledge on the use of new Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) and ITS services in its 8 deployment cities.
The C-MobILE training “New mobility services – C-ITS training” is organised by Applus+ IDIADA on 6 May at 11h CET.
The webinar will be held in Spanish.
It is a free webinar and pre-registration is mandatory via the following link here.
Main topics:
- brief description of the C-MobILE project,
- introduction to the C-ITS services,
- how C-ITS services can provide mobility solutions to cities, traffic managers and road operators,
- the C-ITS services deployed in Barcelona.