Last modified more than a year ago

Fourth Joint Stakeholder Meeting

Fourth Joint Stakeholder Meeting

08 May 2018 - 09 May 2018

The Netherlands

How do you see the future of Connected Automated Driving (CAD)? What are the bottlenecks slowing it down? What will be the consequences and impact of CAD? What are the preferred scenarios? The CAD working session that will be taking place from 8-9 May 2018 will be the perfect occasion to discuss these questions while tackling the key factors that influence the 10 CAD thematic area.

Stakeholders from industry, science, policy makers, public authorities, road authorities, consumer organisations and others with an interest in Connected and Automated Driving are invited to join the meeting.

If you are interested in attending please register here 


Tuesday 8 May 2018

12:00 Welcome and introduction
Results of April 19-20 Symposium on Connected and Automated Driving
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Introduction of the work sessions
Determinants, factors, uncertainties, impact areas, impact mechanisms
14:15 First working session for themes:
Safety Validation and Roadworthiness Testing
Human Factors
Digital and Physical Infrastructure
Policy and Regulatory Needs, European Harmonisation
In-Vehicle Technology Enablers
16:15 Wrap up, discussion and next steps
17:30 Closure
19:00  Dinner

Wednesday 9 May 2018

8:30 Briefing for day 2
8:45 Second working session for themes
User Awareness, Societal Acceptance and Ethics
Socio-Economic Assessment and Sustainability
Big data
New Shared and Automated Mobility Services
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Wrap up, discussion and next steps
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Interaction between thematic areas
How to maximize legacy of CARTRE thematic work?
14:00 Closure


New Babylon Meeting Center
Anna van Buerenplein 29
2nd floor
2595 DA Den Haag
The Netherlands