Last modified more than a year ago

CAV Scotland 2019

CAV Scotland 2019

13 Nov 2019 - 14 Nov 2019


CAV Scotland 2019 will take place in Glasgow on 13 and 14 November.

CAV Scotland is an event that brings together global experts in connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) with live demonstrations with a goal to assess the latest developments and debate and discuss the way forward, with future trials and research across the world.

Draft programme is available here.

In addition to a full conference programme, the event will also include live CAV vehicle demonstrations and a CAV Hub meeting point. The main topics that will be addressed include:

Session 1 – CAV Roadmap for Scotland
Session 2 – International perspectives
Session 3 – CAV 4 in Scotland
Session 4 – Fitting in with the wider testing and implementation programme.

Registrations via

For further information please visit the CAV Scotland website: