Last modified more than a year ago

CEATEC 2018 Exhibit
16 Oct 2018 - 19 Oct 2018
Tokyo, Japan
The CEATEC (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) in Japan is an annual event bringing together experts and professionals from a wide range of industries and fields, including the connected and automated driving sector. This year’s edition takes place from the 16 to the 19 October and gathers the newest technologies in one venue. The combined nature of this exhibition (electronics and IT) makes it ideal for a decent exchange of information among experts from a variety of fields.
During the second day of the exhibition, a Conference about the “EU Approach to Artificial Intelligence and Robotics” including high level speakers will be organised. Among the interveners are two officials from the European Commission (Gwenole Cozigou and Tonnie De Koster) and several researchers from AUGUMENTA, TNO, VALEO and the Montfort University. They will talk about the EU’s approach in the field of automated and connected driving and about artificial intelligence in general.
More precisely, Ms. Hala Elrofai from TNO, a CAD partner, will talk about the “Challenges and Opportunities of AI for Connected and Automated Driving”. During her presentation, she will give insights to the output of the CARTRE project and discuss what this means for the EU research agenda. In the context of the AMAA Conference in Berlin, she recently published a paper in collaboration with her colleague Benjamin Wilsch, on which her intervention at the CEATEC is drawn.
A detailed agenda of the exhibition and a list of all the speakers can be found here.