Last modified more than a year ago

CoEXist Final Conference – Virtual Event
25 Mar 2020 - 26 Mar 2020
Milton Keynes, UK
The CoEXist project (H2020 funded project) will share its experience during a two-day final event. On 25-26 March 2020, Milton Keynes will host CoEXist partners, city representatives, mobility experts and stakeholders from around Europe to discuss the future of Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and its impact on urban mobility.
You can see the programme of the final event and register online here (attendance is free of charge).
Training session: you can also apply for an automation-ready modelling training (26 March) to learn how to use the modelling tools developed within CoEXist (using PTV Vissim and Visum) and include CAVs in your traffic flow and travel demand simulations.
The European project CoEXist aims to systematically strengthen the capacities of road authorities and other urban mobility stakeholders in preparation for the transition towards a shared road network, with an increasing share of connected and automated vehicles (CAV) at progressively higher automation levels. Following a trans-disciplinary approach, CoEXist has developed an automation-ready framework to support local authorities in reducing uncertainties and building up their capacity to make structured and informed decisions about CAV deployment in a mixed road environment. The project has developed functionalities for microscopic and macroscopic modelling tools, enabling them to consider different types of CAVs. Through their application in eight strategically selected use cases in Helmond (NL), Milton Keynes (UK), Gothenburg (SE) and Stuttgart (DE), CoEXist assessed to what extent road infrastructure is automation-ready and whether the introduction of CAVs improves traffic performance, space efficiency, and safety. This will help identify adaptation and design recommendations, towards an optimal exploitation of the potential benefits of CAD in urban mobility.