Last modified more than a year ago

ECA2030 conference annoucement 2020
27 Oct 2020 - 28 Oct 2020
Join a vibrant discussion on the implementation of electric, connected, automated driving (ECAD) at the interface of the automotive and ECS sectors and get in contact with the right people to solve current and future implementation challenges.
This year’s ECA2030 conference – “Networking and Collaboration to Strengthen the ECA Ecosystem”, held online on October 27th and 28th, 2020 aims at bringing together all stakeholders along the automotive value chain as well as non-technical stakeholders to initiate collaborations that can accelerate the introduction of vehicle electrification, connectivity and automation (ECA). Active communication between the electronic components and systems (ECS) community and the application side of the value chain is essential and the objective of the Mobility.E Lighthouse of the ECSEL JU, an inter-project and stakeholder collaboration platform at the core of the event. The stakeholder exchange serves to prioritize research topics, to define concrete and joint R&D activities and to capture the requirements for future funding programmes as well as to foster coordination and harmonisation of the new partnerships within Horizon Europe.
Representatives of big industrial electronic circuit and system providers, RTOs, automotive OEMs as well as representatives of several industrial associations, other PPPs in the field of Mobility and other DGs of the European Commission, mainly DG RTD and DG MOVE, are invited to attend this event. Furthermore, the event will comprise an interactive session to derive and prioritize actions of the ECA implementation plan.
Register here.