Last modified more than a year ago

ERTRAC 20 Years Anniversary Conference
05 Jul 2023 - 06 Jul 2023
Palais des Académies, Brussels, Belgium
ERTRAC is proud to announce that this year marks the 20th anniversary of its creation. To honor this milestone, ERTRAC will host a two days celebration event.
Discover the draft programme:
5 July 2023
19:00 – 22:30
Evening reception to celebrate the 20th anniversary of ERTRAC
6 July 2023
09:30 – 15:30
ERTRAC annual conference, special 20th-anniversary edition
Full-day conference with keynote speeches and panel debates on the next key research fields for road transport.
- Programme :
- Opening session: ERTRAC history, how European transport research has evolved during the last 20 years? What have we anticipated well or have failed to anticipate? Discuss the usefulness of stakeholders’ collaboration to accelerate innovation.
- Energy & Environment session: a strategy for the electrification of road transport. Charging and grid integration challenges. Battery challenge, sourcing of materials. Role of biofuels and e-fuels.
- Urban Mobility session: innovation for future cities. E-mobility, multi-modality, active modes, sharing mobility services. 15 Minutes city concept. Suburban and rural mobility.
- Road Safety session: next research efforts to support the European road safety objectives. Vulnerable road users, HMI, infrastructures.
- Connectivity and Automation: a long-term vision towards connected, cooperative and automated mobility. Infrastructure support for automated driving. AI, data management, and development cycles.
- Circularity and Competitiveness: circular economy challenges, resilience and alternatives for critical materials. Competitiveness of road freight transport.
For more information, please contact the ERTRAC office at
*Registration is mandatory. This event is limited to companies and organisations involved in European transport research. ERTRAC has the right to reject applications not fitting the research activities of the platform.
This article was originally published on CCAM. The original blog post can be found here.