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Forum on integrated and sustainable transportation systems – FORUM ISTS2020 – Online
03 Nov 2020 - 05 Nov 2020
IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation System (FISTS) is a Forum sponsored jointly by four IEEE Societies: the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, the Oceanic Engineering Society, and the Vehicular Technology Society. FISTS offers provocative presentations, lively discussion, and visionary futures about sustainable transportation systems that create economic opportunity and improve access to basic human needs.
The Forum-ISTS will bring together major actors in all these areas from all over the world. It is the specific ambition of the conference committee to have high level speakers expressing their views and stimulate an intensive discussion with the audience. The aim of the conference is to stimulate an active debate on what we need to achieve by a sustainable transportation system and what measures have to be taken into account to reach these ambitious goals.
In this conference, IEEE will promote the discussion between Academia, Industry and Public Authorities by having scientific papers presentations but also inviting practitioners to present their view on the future of transportation.
Forum ISTS2020 will host classic detailed scientific presentations based on high quality submitted papers but also provide the floor for authorities to share their strategies and concerns or for companies to show how they view the future of mobility through structured presentations, which do not necessarily have to be of a detailed scientific nature.
The Local Organising Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes in making the 2020 edition a safe and successful one considering the extraordinary global public health issue that we are facing. The IEEE-Forum ISTS2020 was to be hosted in Delft but due to the uncertainty, it will be transformed into an online conference
To Register for the event, click here.