Last modified more than a year ago
HEADSTART 1st Technical Workshop
13 Sep 2019 - 13 Sep 2019
The HEADSTART project organises its 1st Technical Workshop on testing and assessment methods, tools and approaches for positioning, cyber-security and communication (V2X) in Connected and Automated Driving.
HEADSTART (Harmonised European Solutions for Testing Automated Road Transport) is a new European initiative that aims to define testing and validation procedures on specific functionalities of Connected and Automated Driving (CAD). HEADSTART will select a technology-agnostic methodology and follow an integrated approach for analyzing the impact of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) for CAD.
The purpose of this first workshop is to define relevant use cases for KETs and consult with stakeholders from the industry, research and standardization bodies to:
§ identify potential approaches for CAD functions assessment from cyber-security, communication (V2X) and positioning viewpoints, and KETs integration into CAD scenario tooling;
§ learn about procedures successfully used in other domains or projects.
The workshop will provide an opportunity to understand and provide feedback on the project proposed approaches and preliminary results, but also to guide the next stages of the project and get actively involved throughout. Indeed HEADSTART will establish an Expert Network with whom to engage for input and consultation on the project progress to advance CAD test methods, procedures and tools.
This workshop is targeted at positioning, cyber-security and communication experts across all sectors to discuss key stakeholders’ requirements and preliminary output from the three related HEADSTART Working Groups. It is the first of a series of workshops that will be organised throughout the course of the project, on KETs but also other HEADSTART Working Groups topics such as consumer testing or type approval.
In particular, discussions will be focused on the following topics:
§ Standardization and regulation for assessment and certification;
§ The need for new testing methodologies: testing on component level, virtual testing, public road tests (for consumer testing and type approval);
§ The introduction of high-resolution positioning (including absolute positioning) for autonomous functions;
§ Operational settings and metrics for V2X communication;
§ Cyber-security priority list and most crucial threats for CAD.
The workshop is free of charge. Registration form is available here.
Draft agenda for the workshop:
9:45 – Welcome coffee & registration
10:00 – Introduction to the workshop
10:10 – Invited Keynote speeches
- Keynote speaker on Positioning: Alberto Fernandez-Wyttenbach, GSA (TBC)
- Keynote speaker on Cybersecurity: Dr Apostolos Malatras, ENISA
- Keynote speaker on Communications: TBC
10:55 – Introduction to the HEADSTART Project
- Objectives of the project
- How to get involved in the project Expert Network
11:25 – KETs Use cases and requirements
- Identification of User group needs
- Technical and functional requirements for KETs
11:55 – Discussion in smaller groups
12:30 – Lunch
13:15 – Methodology for the validation of KETs in the context of CAD
- Harmonisation and extension of current methodologies
13:45 – Discussion in smaller groups
15:00 – Wrap up discussions & next steps
15:30 – Workshop end
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