Last modified more than a year ago
Join HEADSTART’s second technical workshop is postponed
12 May 2020 - 12 May 2020
Athens, Greece
Due to the Corona outbreak, the event has been postponed. Details about the event is still to be confirmed.
Please keep the date reserved and stay tuned for more the next days.
Headstart project organises its second technical workshop on testing and assessment methods, tools and approaches for positioning, cyber-security and communication(V2X) in connected and automated driving.
The workshop will take place in Athens, Greece on 12 of May 2020 from 09:45 a.m. to 17:15 p.m. During the workshop, the participants will have the opportunity to find out more about the HEADSTART objectives and scenarios, the methodology to be followed for targeted use cases, the available testing tools and procedures in Connected and Automated Driving.
The registrations are now open and can be done using the link. For more information on the workshop and agenda, check here.
Registration is free of charge but mandatory to attend the event.