Last modified more than a year ago

SAFE STRIP Final Event
20 Jul 2020 - 20 Jul 2020
Athens, Greece
SAFE STRIP has developed an innovative technological solution enabling C-ITS applications through low-cost integrated smart strips on existing road infrastructure (optional). After almost 3 years of work and several pilot trials on European roads, the SAFE STRIP partners are inviting you for a day of exciting showcases followed by a high-level panel discussion with project participants, public authorities and road operators. The participants will also have the opportunity to see a demo at the Attiki Odos highway – SAFE STRIP’s Greek pilot site.
SAFE STRIP (SAFE and green Sensor Technologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive aPplications) aims to introduce a disruptive technology that will embed C-ITS applications into existing road infrastructure, including I2V and V2I communications as well as VMS/VSL functions into low-cost, integrated strip markers on the road. These strips will support intelligent transport systems (ITS) services and apps as they provide personalised in-vehicle messages for all road users (trucks, cars and vulnerable road users, such as PTWs riders) and all vehicle generations (non-equipped, C-ITS equipped, autonomous), at a reduced maintenance cost, fully recyclability and containing added-value services, as well as supporting real-time predictive road maintenance functions.
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