Last modified more than a year ago

SCOUT workshop on European Vision for CAD

SCOUT workshop on European Vision for CAD

20 Jul 2017 - 20 Jul 2017

Brussels, Belgium

In preparation for the roadmap development process within SCOUT, a workshop regarding “European Vision & strategies for CAD” will be held on 20 July 2017 at BluePoint, 80 Bd. A. Reyers, 1030 Brussels. The workshop intends to build upon recent discussions on use-cases for connected and automated driving, to validate the findings within the SCOUT project on business models and technology gaps, to generate a comprehensive future vision and to identify relevant development paths for the roadmap process. It will mark the end of the analytic phase of the SCOUT project and will initiate the roadmap development process. At the same time, this workshop will be used to enable an exchange of information between the SCOUT community and other stakeholders to align the efforts with the roadmap processes taking place within other networks and projects (EPoSS, ERTRAC, CARTRE etc.).

The workshop will be facilitated by Gereon Meyer (VDI/VDE-IT), the SCOUT Project Coordinator.

To register, please send an informal e-mail to Ms Davina Wenninger (


10:00 – Welcome Address (Eddy Hartog, European Commission, DG CONNECT)

10:15 – The SCOUT Project (Gereon Meyer, VDI/VDE-IT)

10:30 – User Expectations, Goals, Ideas, Reservations and Requirements on Connected and Automated Driving (Yves Page, Renault)

10:45 – State of the Art in Connected and Automated Driving Technologies (Devid Will, RWTH)

11:15 – Novel Business Models for Connected and Automated Driving (Heiko Hahnenwald, FHG)

11:45 – EPoSS input (tba)

12:05 – ERTRAC input (tba)

12:30 – Lunch break

13:30 – Interactive Vision & Roadmap Development Session

15:00 – Wrap-Up

15:30 – Farewell & End of Meeting