Last modified more than a year ago

SCOUT workshop on roadmap for level 4/5 connected and automated driving
07 Mar 2018 - 07 Mar 2018
Brussels, Belgium
On 7 March 2018, the SCOUT project will organise an expert workshop “Building a comprehensive European roadmap for level 4/5 connected and automated driving” at the Fondation Universitaire in Brussels.
The roadmap development process within SCOUT started with the analysis of user expectations and requirements to co-create a vision of CAD in Europe in 2030. According to the results of this analysis, level 4/5 automation would be the most preferred scenario from a users’ perspective. The approach was complemented by a state of the art assessment as well as a business model evaluation of CAD, showing that serious hurdles in various domains needed to be overcome for turning the vision into reality. Hence, it will be essential for the roadmap to highlight what needed to be done at different layers, namely in technical, societal, legal, economic and human factors. Therefore, the event aims to fill the pre-structured roadmap with action items on the timeline.
We highly encourage external experts related to any of the different layers to participate in the event and actively contribute to the discussion.
The registration for the event is free of charge and can be done informally via e-mail until 2 March 2018. Please contact Annette Schostak at or +49 30 310078 155 for more information.
10:00 – 10:15 Welcome (Gereon Meyer, VDI/VDE-IT)
10:15 – 11:00 Introduction to the SCOUT project and the preceding landscape of the roadmap (Carolin Zachäus, VDI/VDE-IT)
- Vision of connected and automated driving in the EU in 2030
- State of the art for connected and automated driving
- Business model assessment
11:00 – 12:00 Brief statement to each of the five layers of automation considered by the SCOUT project from external experts
- Technical (Jochen Langheim, STMicroelectronics)
- Legal (Benjamin von Bodungen, German Graduate School of Management & Law)
- Economic (Wolfgang Gruel, Stuttgart Media University)
- Societal (Suzanne Hoadley, Polis)
- Human factors (Stella Nikolaou, C.E.R.T.H.)
12:00 – 12:30 Roadmap process
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Interactive roadmap development session divided into the 5 layers
15:00 – 15:30 Summary and conclusions