Last modified more than a year ago

SIP-adus Workshop on Connected and Automated Driving Systems
13 Nov 2018 - 15 Nov 2018
Tokyo, Japan
The 5th version of the SIP-adus Workshop will be taking place from 13-15 November 2018 in Tokyo. This global cooperative activity seeks at resolving the challenges to implement Automated Driving Systems and will gather international experts from Europe and Asia. The workshop is organised by the Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program, the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation and the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan.
The event program consists of the Sessions and Breakout Workshops on the following topics :
1. Regional Activities and Field Operational Tests
2. Dynamic Map
3. Impact Assessment
4. Connected Vehicles
5. Next Generation Transport
6. Cyber Security
7. Human Factors
8. Report Session from SIP-adus R&D Activities
For more information, please click here