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Webinar 5G-MOBIX French Trial Site’s results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM

Webinar 5G-MOBIX French Trial Site’s results and lessons learnt on 5G for CAM

20 Jun 2022 - 20 Jun 2022


15:00-16:30 CET

The 5G-MOBIX EC project trials have been assessing the added value of 5G connectivity for connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) services and functionalities in cross-border conditions. 5G-MOBIX trial sites include two Cross-Border Corridors (Greece-Turkey and Spain-Portugal) and six local Trial Sites in France, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, China and South Korea (bringing complementary insights to the cross-border issues trialed at the Corridors).

The French Trial Site contributions are related to service continuity and dynamic communication quality aspects for the infrastructure-assisted advanced driving use case.

This webinar will present the outcome of their trials and results obtained in relation. It will also include video demonstrations of the tested solutions and a Q&A session to exhaust all questions on our experts’ work and lessons learnt.


  • Introduction of the project and FR TS and trials presentation (Laurent Février & Camille Plestan, VEDECOM)
  • Demonstration video of the FR TS
  • Trial results (Thiwiza Bellache or Pierre Merdrignac, VEDECOM)
  • Q&A