Last modified more than a year ago

Workshop on liability
13 Jul 2017 - 13 Jul 2017
Brussels, Belgium
The European Commission, DG CONNECT, will organise a Workshop on liability in the area of autonomous systems and advanced robots and Internet of Things systems in the Berlaymont Building in Brussels on 13 July 2017.
The objective of the workshop is to discuss questions regarding liability in the area of autonomous systems and advanced robots / IoT-Systems. The workshop will mainly explore the specificities of autonomous systems and advanced robots / IoT-Systems compared to “traditional” machinery and discuss these specificities in relation to liability schemes. As in the business-to-business area questions of liability currently seem to be addressed by contracts, the workshop will focus on damages incurred by natural persons.
It aims, in particular, at discussing the following:
- Preliminary findings, in particular on liability issues, of the study “Impact Assessment support study on emerging issues of data ownership, interoperability, (re)usability and access to data, and liability”;
- Presentation on the evaluation of the Product Liability Directive (85/374/EEC);
- Technical characteristics of autonomous systems and advanced robots / IoT Systems;
- Complexity of autonomous systems and advanced robots / IoT Systems and the detection of defects;
- Liability and cyber-attacks.
Registration is open until 7 July 2017 here.