Last modified more than a year ago
First edition of the ‘Autonomous Mobility Ecosystem Landscape Austria’ published
The first edition of the “Autonomous Mobility Ecosystem Landscape Austria” was presented and published for the first time in January 2022. The landscape is a map providing an overview of all companies, organisations, research and educational institutions, research projects and use cases in the field of autonomous driving in Austria. The initiative comes from Digitrans and the Automobil-Cluster Upper Austria. A total of 194 companies, institutions, research and educational facilities, as well as current research projects and use cases that contribute to the Austrian research and industrial landscape in the field of autonomous driving could be covered.
According to Digitrans, the “Autonomous Mobility Ecosystem Landscape Austria” acts as:
- “compass for quickly finding one’s way through the jungle of versatile technologies and possible applications,
- networking tool for potential cooperation partners for funding and research projects,
- springboard for driving forward the topic of “Autonomous Driving” more quickly in Austria,
- tool for visualisation and structuring of the entire ecosystem around Autonomous Mobility in Austria,
- map for politics and stakeholders, Upper Austria supplier industry, users and international clusters as well as cities and regions interested in autonomous mobility and transport solutions.
Further information, details on the clustering logic and how you can participate with your company can be found on the Automobil-Cluster Upper Austria website: