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Harmonising spectrum for enhanced connectivity: ready for 5G and innovation
The European Commission (EC) has adopted implementing decisions to ensure that the European Union meets the growing demand for broadband and innovative digital applications, and to improve the technical conditions for spectrum use for short-range devices and Wi-Fi. By doing so, the EC has made the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands available for use by 5G applications.
According to the 5G Action Plan, 5G networks should cover all urban areas and major transport routes by 2025. In response, the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) has stated the need to ensure that the 2G, 3G, and 4G frequency bands are also fit for 5G use.
Ready for 5G innovations
5G enables advanced, faster, and interactive connectivity to users but also to objects. In combination with real-time data analysis and collection, 5G technology will allow for the further development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and more efficient and sustainable systems. It will benefit crucial applications in sectors ranging from medicine to transport, and from manufacturing to agriculture.
Intelligent transport, waste management and other Internet of Things systems & research: Updated conditions for use of spectrum pave the way
The EC implementing decision on short-range devices (SRDs) tries to incorporate the technological developments taking place in relation to short-range devices. Firstly, the implementing decision improves crucial definitions related to transport and traffic telematics, which include essential short-range devices for collecting and transmitting vehicle information in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Secondly, the implementing decision sets out the technical requirements for spectrum use by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) applications. Ultimately, this eighth update of the rules harmonising the technical conditions of radio spectrum for SRDs allows for a better understand thereof and increased consistency across the industry.
5G Wi-Fi in vehicles, on board aircraft and drones: Updating the technical conditions
Wireless Access Systems (WAS), such as Radio Local Area Networks (RLAN) and Wi-Fi, are used to provide small areas with wireless connectivity. The aforementioned implementing decisions aim to reduce the possible harmful interferences to other devices that use the same spectrum, such as meterological and military radars. Essentially, the implementing decisions are crucial in creating new possibilities for connectivity on board vehicles and across the transport sector by delineating the frequency bands that may be used for different modes of transport.
The importance of EU Radio spectrum policy
Upgraded, fast and reliable networks will be the springboard for the digital transformation and better services and products across Europe. The Commission and Member States have set ambitious objectives for the rollout of advanced networks. According to the 5G Action plan, by 2025, 5G networks should cover all urban areas and major transport routes. More so, one of the targets of the Commission’s proposed Digital Decade policy programme is to cover all populated areas with 5G and bring gigabit connectivity to all EU households by 2030.
Source: European Commission