Last modified on November 22, 2023

IN2CCAM Uncovered: Turin Living Lab

IN2CCAM Uncovered: Turin Living Lab

22 November 2023

Italy is a key player in the IN2CCAM project, centered around Turin, where TTS Italia, 5T, and Links Foundation collaborate to bring Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) to the city. Their aim is to upgrade traffic management, integrating new technologies and services into the Traffic Control Centre. This initiative focuses on enhancing mobility in Turin, Italy’s fourth-largest city, home to over 800,000 residents, with an urban area housing 1.7 million people.

Turin prioritises smooth and eco-friendly mobility, as evident in its 2021 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). The plan emphasises diverse transportation modes, from public transit to cycling and walking, along with bolstering infrastructure and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). 5T manages Turin’s Traffic Control Centre, disseminating real-time road and traffic updates via text, online platforms, and radio broadcasts, even integrating this data into GPS systems for efficient route planning.

Within IN2CCAM, TTS Italia, 5T, and Links are revolutionising Turin’s traffic management by integrating Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) interaction. This includes leveraging CAVs for information, real-time parking availability, and activating Urban Vehicle Access Restrictions (UVAR). This wealth of data will revolutionize traffic control, offering dynamic rerouting options and smarter decisions for congestion relief and optimal traffic flow.

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