Last modified more than a year ago
JRC’s technical report on indicators for monitoring STRIA
In 2017, the European Commission adopted the Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA) as part of the “Europe on the move” package, which highlights main transport research and innovation priorities for a clean, connected and competitive mobility while complementing the 2015 Strategic Energy Technology Plan. To monitor the implementation of STRIA and its seven road maps, the European Commission launched the Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System (TRIMIS) which analyses research trends and innovation capacities across the European transport sector.
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has recently published a technical report “Indicators for monitoring the Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda” which presents the methodological approach and a first list of indicators that TRIMIS proposes to measure the progress in European Union transport research and innovation.
These indicators will provide an input to the further development of STRIA’s road maps and will be used to support the planned TRIMIS interactive scoreboard that will be available on the TRIMIS online platform.
To read the full report: click here.
Picture @ JRC