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5G Strategic Deployment Agenda for Connected and Automated Mobility in Europe

3 March 2021

This document sets out the shared view of a wide group of stakeholders supporting the objectives of the 5G Strategic Deployment Agenda (SDA) for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) in Europe, based on future-proof 5G-enabled infrastructure, technologies and vehicles.

Furthermore, this document concentrates on identifying the key elements to progress along the main elements mentioned below. The initial goal is to stimulate investments into a network of pan-European 5G  Corridors for Connected and Automated Mobility as a first strategic step towards large scale deployment of 5G for CAM  and other high value services related to connected vehicles, road operation and overall smart transportation.

In a stakeholder workshop in January 2019, held by the 5G-PPP Automotive working group, the stakeholder community decided to develop three main elements as part of the SDA: (i) Deployment Objectives; (ii) Cooperation Models; (iii) Regulatory Innovation.

(i)           The parties participating in the development of this SDA have defined 8 principles that underpin their common vision for the 5G SDA for CAM.

(ii)         The following ecosystem categories have been identified:

  • Driving safety and automation sub-system
  • Mobile broadband emergency services
  • Uptake of high-value commercial 5G services along transport paths

The promoters of this SDA strongly agree with the objective of starting with the deployment of the identified set of 5G corridors, taking advantage of the wider dynamic created by the planned public financing.

(iii)        The regulatory environment will play an important role to enable innovative business approaches and incentivise investments in mobile network expansion for CAM. This concerns in particular:

  • The different network sharing options.
  • The co-investment approaches and wholesale-only model.
  • The spectrum needs some harmonization assignment and roll-out obligation.
  • Regulatory provision for seamless connectivity.