Last modified more than a year ago

Ensuring American Leadership in Automated Vehicle Technologies

1 June 2021
The document presents a unifying posture to inform collaborative efforts in automated vehicles for all stakeholders and outlines past and current federal government efforts to address these areas of concern. It establishes US government principles that consist of three core interests, each of which is comprised of several sub-areas:

1. Protect Users and Communities
* Prioritize Safety
* Emphasize Security and Cybersecurity
* Ensure Privacy and Data Security
* Enhance Mobility and Accessibility

2. Promote Efficient Markets
* Remain Technology Neutral
* Protect American Innovation and Creativity
* Modernize Regulations

3. Facilitate Coordinated Efforts
* Promote Consistent Standards and Policies
* Ensure a Consistent Federal Approach
* Improve Transportation System-Level Effects  

The document motivates a future for the US in which it is a global leader in the automated vehicle technology and describes the benefits of such a position. Furthermore, it lists administration efforts that support the growth and leadership in this area, as well as the activities and opportunities the US government to take towards collaboration.