Last modified more than a year ago

SIP-adus Workshop 2020
Since 2014, the SIP-adus workshop has made much progress as a forum where a number of automated driving experts in R&D and Service Implementaton have gathered from around the globe to exchange their expertise and to enrich their network. Yet, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event will be held online, as a virtual conference.
The first day of the Workshop will be the status report meeting (Live) reported by industry and academica research partners on the achievement of the SIP-adus project in Japan. The second and third day will be an online symposium (recorded) along with presentations by global experts on recent global progress and the status of R&D themes focusing on automated driving and connected vehicles.
These are the eight themes which will be covered in the online symposium:
- Regional Activities (RA)
- Service & Business Implementation (SBI)
- Dynamic Map (DM)
- Connected Vehicles (CV)
- Safety Assurance (SA), Cybersecurity (CS)
- Human Factors (HF)
- Impact Assessment (IA)
The meeting will be delivered in both English and Japanese in over the web.
All interested individuals are welcome to participate in the online SIP-adus Workshop 2020.
All online symposium sessions will run three times a 24 hour period.
For more information, click here.
Register here.