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EU-Japan Joint White Paper on Harmonization of Safety Assessment Methods of Automated Driving

EU-Japan Joint White Paper on Harmonization of Safety Assessment Methods of Automated Driving

7 December 2021

The European project HEADSTART together with the SAKURA (Safety Assurance KUdos for Reliable Autonomous vehicles) project, funded by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and SIP-adus created a joint white paper titled “towards the harmonization of safety assessment methods of automated driving”.

This white paper aims to:

  1. Compile and present the different initiatives for which each region is working on the topic and show under which general R&D programs they are operating;
  2. Identify which topics and/or challenges related to safety assessment have been the object of research by each of the referenced initiatives to assess the areas where they are making specific progress;
  3. Harmonize, whenever possible, the results achieved so far, and identify potential activities for further harmonization that could be encouraged and fostered within the regions and/or in future R&D initiatives.

Read the full paper here
