Last modified more than a year ago

Understanding the advancements and role of the partners in C-MobILE project.
The European research project C-MobILE has launched a new series of C-MobILE interviews, which are focused towards the advancements of the project and role of project partners in deployment of C-ITS solutions. C-MobILE wants to present its partners and their perspective of C-ITS through the series of interviews.
The latest interview with Giacomo Somma, Senior Manager at ERTICO was published on 9 April 2020: “Exploring the benefits of C-ITS for cities and users with ERTICO’s Giacomo Somma”.
During the interview, he explained the concept of C-ITS, the working technology and what is unique about the cooperative intelligent transport systems.
Speaking about the benefits of C-ITS solutions in cities, he expressed that: “C-MobILE’s C-ITS solutions are integrated in the traffic management system, allowing it to be more interactive and dynamic. For instance, to alleviate traffic on a specific stretch of road in rush hour, the traffic manager can give flow priority to some categories of drivers who are often congesting the road A (e.g. trucks, delivery services), provided that they accept to be re-routed towards a different arterial road B. This gives truck drivers priority at certain traffic lights and comfort in road B while alleviating traffic congestion in road A.”
Previously published interviews include:
- “From theory to practice: a talk with IRU’s Samson Tsegay on C-MobILE’s training programme” with Samson Tsegay (IRU),
- “Talking C-MobILE with Alex Vallejo, Applus+ IDIADA” with Alex Vallejo, C-MobILE project coordinator (Applus+ IDIADA).
C-MobILE (Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and deployment in Europe) is deploying cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) and services designed to deal with specific mobility challenges across Europe. The project also aims to help local authorities deploy the C-ITS services they need and to raise awareness of the potential benefits for all road users. A total of eight C-ITS equipped cities and regions are involved in the project, all of which have been research pilot sites for large-scale deployment of sustainable services in the past.