Last modified on March 5, 2024
Data market places (2022)
The catalogue information was compiled by the ARCADE project in 2022.
The value of traffic data has created a field for data market places hosting different types of data, many of them originating from map data. MDM is mentioned above (also being the German NAP), and Here, TomTom, Wejo and Waze connected citizens are examples of other.
This private business development could begin to offer cheaper, more powerful data management facilities for various research and development purposes. What needs to be kept in mind is that development and large-scale user testing projects usually collect rather different amounts of data.
Here is one of the first and dominant actors on map data, dating back from Navteq in the 80’, later acquired by German OEMs. The bases of the services are still related to map data but an ecosystem is created supporting route planning, real-time traffic, intermodal travelling and weather. There is also software tools (SDK, developers studio, map making) and tools for data anonymization., accessed August 22 2022.
TomTom has also a foundation in map data and location services. The company has a strong link on developing mobile phone apps, something that for the last years been more and more common also in vehicles. Like Here, they offer development kits and API:s for the development phase, and “freemium” cost model where you start to pay when your service has a certain number of transactions per day., accessed August 22 2022.
UK based Wejo focus on connected vehicle data made available for insight in route planning, events in traffic, movements and waypoints. The focus is more targeting governments, fleet owners, insurance and car sharing. They offer a developers portal and API:s for the collected data., accessed August 22 2022.
Waze have a similar approach, although the data feed is mainly coming from smart phones with a community based approach. The data is used for route planning, for cities to understand bottle necks or specific events (e.g. traffic accidents or happenings like a parade or demonstration). As apps are introduced in vehicles why also Waze have been introduced. Waze offers different partner programs like Waze for cities, carpools or Beacons (underground location services)., accessed August 22 2022.
Hexagon’s AutonomouStuff is an example of a company offering such new type of data management services, serving numerous test vehicles in the USA. Besides data storage, they offer data intelligence products. More information from, accessed 16 September 2021.
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