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Impact Assessment Frameworks

This page highlights impact assessment frameworks that focus on key elements of Connected and Automated Driving.

Trilateral Impact Assessment Framework for Automation in Road Transportation, developed in EU–US–Japan cooperation. High-level framework to support harmonisation across three regions (EU, US, Japan). Includes recommendations and advice on:

  • Classification of evaluated system/service
  • Common vocabulary
  • Direct and indirect impacts: 12 impact areas
  • Impact mechanisms & paths
  • Recommendations for experimental procedures
  • Recommendations for data sharing
  • KPI repository

Download version 2 (April 2018)

C-Roads is a Platform, where authorities and road operators join together to harmonise the deployment activities of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) across Europe. The goal is to achieve the deployment of interoperable cross-border C-ITS services for road users. C-Roads has a work group for evaluation and assessment to harmonise evaluation activities related to these C-ITS deployments. Download the C-Roads evaluation plan here.


The L3Pilot project conducts large-scale testing and piloting of highly automated driving functions (ADFs), focusing on SAE Level 3, exposed to different users and mixed traffic environments, including conventional vehicles and vulnerable road users (VRUs) along different road networks. Extensive on-road testing is vital to ensure adequate operating performance for the ADFs, which includes understanding the changes in vehicle operations and traffic dynamics, and users’ interaction with, and acceptance of, ADFs. A multidisciplinary methodology was developed for piloting, testing and evaluating Level-3 ADFs.

L3Pilot D3.4 Evaluation plan: Other methodology related deliverables and publications:

The LEVITATE Policy Support Tool (PST), which has been produced within the LEVITATE European research project, funded within the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission, is the go-to, one-stop-shop to support decisions on Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) related interventions. It is designed as an open access, web-based system that provides interested users with access to LEVITATE methodologies and results. Its detailed design considers the specific needs of the key stakeholders, and it provides access to related bibliography, project results, documentation of tools and methods, excerpts from CCAM guidelines, as well as a Decision Support System with forecasting and back casting capabilities.

LEVITATE Policy support tool: Policy Support Tool ( and Levitate PST (

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