Last modified more than a year ago
Wiki catalogues
FOT-Net Wiki is a source of information on FOT projects across the world. The wiki is maintained by the FOT community and we strongly encourage you to contribute to this online resource. Please visit
The main parts of the wiki:
FOT Catalogue
The FOT Catalogue describes past and present Field Operational Tests (FOTs), Naturalistic Driving Studies (NDSs) and other such activities. You can browse or search the catalogue or help us by adding new entries or editing existing ones. The catalogue features over 260 FOTs from around the world.
Data catalogue
The Data Catalogue describes datasets collected in FOTs and NDSs including conditions for availability for re-use, and contact persons. It’s the latest addition to the Wiki – some 20 datasets were entered in 2017. First automated driving training datasets were collected in 2018.
Tool catalogue
The Tool Catalogue lists FOT tools and their specifications as far as this information is accessible and public. Around 100 tools are described.
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