Last modified more than a year ago

Policy and Regulatory Needs, European Harmonisation

As far as policies are concerned, Europe, European bodies and some EU members have released EU-wide as well as national orientations, road maps and/or national guidelines highlighting targets and hurdles/opportunities to facilitate deployment of AD in Europe. As far as technical regulations are concerned, UN ECE WP29 in Geneva has restructured its organization with regards to AD in 2018 in order to enhance and accelerate technical regulations. As far as traffic laws are regarded, UN ECE WP1 has also started new activities to amend the Vienna Convention to make it possible circulation of SAE levels 3 and 4 under certain conditions. Therefore, there is European and International momentum to make deployment of AD feasible in the coming years. ARCADE will make a detailed review of current initiatives and highlight achievable targets and best practices to make first AD use cases happen safely at a reasonable pace.

Considering the future sustainability of CAD, the following recommend actions and enablers have resulted from the analysis conducted in Year 1 of ARCADE. Research, tests, pilots and training in the further development of policy, regulation and harmonisation should be supported. To gain trust from road authorities and public large scale FOTs and pilots have to be worked out, GDPR experience have to be shared and liability has to be studied.

The results of Year 1 of ARCADE, addressing the challenges and enablers (required actions), are summerised in a Policy and Regulation deployment roadmap (or “road ahead”) figure hereunder. The detailed results, ‘Report Systems & Services Thematic Areas: challenges and scenarios’ can be downloaded from the “Documentation” link below.

The analysis of the main challenges, enablers and actions required were investigated during the Year 1 of ARCADE. The second year is about prioritisation and further detailing of these actions using input form stakeholders and projects.

In ARCADE the “Policy and Regulatory Needs, European Harmonisation” Thematic Area team is currently detailing and prioritising the related actions.  Next step is to collect feedback on these actions form key stakeholder through stakeholder consultation (survey). We invite all interested stakeholders to share their opinions and feedback. In case you are interested and would like to be informed when the survey is available, please contact us by using the contact details in ‘’Contact’’ link hereunder.

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