Last modified on October 7, 2024

EU-CEM – European Common Evaluation Methodology for CCAM Webinar

EU-CEM – European Common Evaluation Methodology for CCAM Webinar

08 May 2024


11:00 – 12:00 CET

The EC-funded FAME (Framework for coordination of Automated Mobility in Europe) Action supports the commitment of the European Commission and the CCAM Partnership to provide a long-term coordination framework for R&I and large-scale testing and evaluation activities in Europe.

As part of this European framework for testing on public roads, FAME has developed the European Common Evaluation Methodology (EU-CEM), providing guidance for how to lay the foundation for a successful evaluation of CCAM projects. EU-CEM aims to ensure high quality evaluation which provides reliable input for decision- and policy-making, both among industry and authorities.

The first draft of the EU-CEM handbook is now public, for all to read and to provide feedback (you can it download here). Using the EU-CEM will make evaluation results from both European and national projects easier to compare and complement each other. It provides a common vocabulary, to support projects in communicating their approaches and findings to the CCAM community and to society.

This webinar introduces the draft EU-CEM handbook content in order to collect feedback and suggestions for improvement towards the final version to be released next year. The webinar is of interest to anyone involved in evaluation of CCAM systems and services, in existing projects and in proposal writing.


  • Introduction to FAME
  • Introduction to the EU-CEM
  • Guidelines for the project preparation phase
  • Guidelines for how to set an evaluation plan
  • Evaluation area specific guidelines
  • Taxonomy
  • Q&A
  • Wrap-up and next steps